Glucose that is... this is the test that for some reason scares everyone, probably because if you don't pass this first one, then the next test up sounds awful and time consuming. I decided to go into it with an open mind and just chug the drink, getting it down was no problem, keeping it down, on the other hand, was what I was worried about. It was mind over matter at this point in the appointment to keep this stuff down no matter what! The clock was ticking and I just wanted my hour of waiting to be over so I could rush out of there and get some breakfast. The hour actually went by pretty quickly and then it was off to Starbucks for breakfast as a treat to myself for doing such a great job. Yay Me! :)

1 comment:
Awww!!! Isnt that the most amazing feeling ever? She is going to be here very soon and you will finally get to snuggle with your little angel.
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