Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Thoughts

I was inspired, yet again, through a fellow blogger to make a list of all the simple everyday things in life that make me happy. It makes you sit down and think about the little things that really matter. Its good for the soul, so good ahead, try it, make your happy list!

1. Hearing my husband coming up the stairs after a long day at work

2. My sweet pup snuggling with me in the morning

3. Making dinner for Brandon

4. Getting an “I miss you” text from a friend

5. Reading the new US Weekly

6. A vacuumed house

7. Seeing my nephew or hearing his sweet little voice on the phone

8. Fresh flowers

9. Lighting a good smelling candle

10. Hearing great worship music on the radio

11. Slipping my wedding ring on everyday

12. A hot shower

13. Going for a walk around the lake

14. A good drink from Starbucks

15. A piece of chocolate

16. A phone call from my mom or dad

17. A full tank of gas

18. A little bit of sunshine in the fall and winter months


Unknown said...

Glad you decided to do one...:-) love it! I couldn't agree more with slipping your wedding ring on and the full tank of gas...thanks for those little reminders ;-) Never even thought of those! (thats what is so great about these read someone else's and remember 'hey...i didn't even think of that one!' ha Hope your feeling well!

calikatrina said...

Cute cute post!