I stole this idea from my friend Aarean's super cute blog; a picture from each month in 2010. Today I went searching through my pictures and through my brain to remember each month from 2010. Brought back some good memories!

--- January ---
This picture was taken Jan. 1st while we were still in New York city celebrating the New Year. Such an amazing trip!

--- February ---
We picked up our sweet little puppy Jeter. He has brought so much joy to our lives, we couldn't have asked for a better dog.

--- March ---
This was our very first Gorria bbq of the year with our special guests, the Medina family. I think we had bbq's every Sunday after that!

--- April ---
Happy Easter! We spent the holiday at my grandfathers as part of our yearly Easter tradition.

--- May ---
Happy Birthday to Me! Celebrated with a girls night out of cocktails and the new Sex and the City movie.

--- June ---
Congrats to two of my amazing friends, Samantha and Lindsay. They had their baby showers in the same weekend in two different counties. Worth every mile, I love them.

--- July ---
Happy Birthday Jared! We celebrated by going out to lunch and then to Knott's Berry Farm. Spent all day at the park in the beautiful sunny southern California weather.

--- August ---
Happy Birthday Brandon, Ewan and Mom! We have a lot of birthdays in our family and we always have a blast celebrating. This was also the month Katrina announced baby #2!

--- September ---
Happy 2nd wedding anniversary to us! We celebrated this occasion by getting some beautiful anniversary photos done at the Santa Rosa Plateau. It was also a great excuse to get into my wedding dress again ;)

--- October ---
A very fun and festive Halloween. This was also the month we found out we were expecting! I had to pretend to drink at this Halloween party because we had just found out and we were still getting used to the news ourselves. No one suspected a thing!

--- November ---
A very exciting Thanksgiving! This is when we shared the baby Lykins news with my family in a very special way. We also had some special guests at our Thanksgiving table, the pastor who married us and his family.

--- December ---
Holidays and more! I realized while I was searching for pictures for this post that I had barely taken any pictures for this holiday season. I am going to blame it on not feeling like myself through this first trimester, but really, I just kept forgetting to charge my camera.
Here's to a great 2011, and hopefully many more amazing memories, and a charged camera :)