Here I am
36 weeks pregnant
Just waiting around for the time to pass...
Along with being 36 weeks pregnant I also have, swollen feet and ankles, major back ache at the end of the day, irritability, exhaustion, and I can't pick up something off the floor unless I get really creative.
On the other hand, I have excitement, joy, great skin, shiny hair, an excuse to just lay around, and a baby girl that moves and grooves around as if she is trying to find the exit.
All I can is, hurry up June!

Hard to believe that this was me, at just 12 weeks, when I had discovered the belly band. Now that thing is shoved so far in the back of my drawer I don't know if I could even find it. I pretty much don't plan on wearing pants this summer, only long flowy dresses, so its safe to say I have retired the belly band for good and it will just stay in the back of my drawer. It most definitely worked and came in handy when my belly was this small.