Baby bedding has arrived! Okay, so you don't have to get as excited as me but I still thought I'd share this picture of it all put together. I love it so! Thank goodness for Target and their amazing deals on all things baby. You can also see in the picture that cute little table in the corner that I found at a thrift store, Brandon stripped it down and painted white for me. I love the little basket at the bottom, I plan on putting some cute stuffed animals in it. Brandon and I are very happy with the way the room is turning out, especially since we found a great deal of things at thrift stores and refinished ourselves, including a cute little light green shelf that I found at a thrift store today for only $2.99! It was in great condition so I snatched it right up! We have made a pact to finish the room this weekend because next weekend is my shower and I would like everything to be organized before then. So, tomorrow Brandon is painting 2 walls purple, my friend Sam is helping me finish my framing project, and then on Sunday we are hanging everything on the walls and putting everything in its proper place. Pictures will be up soon!

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