Looks like we forgot to unpack a few things! What we really did was neatly stack these boxes in the spare bedroom closet when we moved and were unpacking, shut the door and just left them in there! I guess we didn't need anything in these boxes. In an effort to organize the baby's room yesterday, I had Brandon drag out all these boxes so I could go through them and condense them down and take anything out that we need, the rest is garage or trash bound. I managed to do a fairly decent job and throw away a lot, and now Brandon just has to take them out to the garage and the baby's closet will be empty! I already feel more organized :)
On another note, my lovely husband is also almost done refinishing all my thrift store and Craigslist furniture for the baby's room. I can't wait to post the finished products! I also can't wait until the dresser is completely done so I can start washing her sweet little clothes and putting them away.

While I was going through all the boxes, I found this little gem that I made for Brandon back in 2005 as an anniversary gift. I love all our young, fun, dating pictures displayed in here.

In the middle of the frame is this poem. It still means as much to me today as it did then.
Love you babe!