I haven't updated in awhile because, like my previous post states, we haven't been doing much; just staying in. Yesterday was Valentine's Day and we were debating going to the beach or the snow. I love California because you can actually have a choice! We decided snow and had a wonderful time! We went with 2 out of 3 sets of Lohman's (Katrina, Jeff, Ewan & Mark & Peggy) and Tarisa.
The day consisted of:
...Getting half bundled up because it was a warm day...
...Hiking through the snow to find a prime sledding spot...
...Ewan eating snow...
...Brandon being a mountain man...
...Encouraging Peggy to have some sledding fun...
...Congratulating Peggy on some great sledding moves...
...Brave sisters sledding down the hill linked together...
...Having a super strategic snowball fight...
...Moving to the next prime spot...
...Setting up camp...
...Everyone taking a ride with Ewan in the sled...
...Brandon flying down the mountain...
...Brandon getting major air...
...Brandon almost breaking his back...
...Yet another snowball fight with some hard hitters...
...Cleaning up camp...
...Hiking back through the snow...
...Hugs and kisses goodbye...
...A long drive home...